Thursday, December 30, 2010


I just couldn't believe it! I'm planning to make myself a pair of simple pants for shopping and lazing around over the weekend and had been contemplating of putting an inseam pocket (I found out this word just now, hehehehe... I just called it a pocket @ the side before this).
Unfortunately, being new and sewing with zero formal background in sewing almost made me give up on the idea of sewing a pocket (all you wonderful wonderful wonderful bloggers who have graciously shared your knowledge through series of tutorials and downloadable patterns are my dearest teachers.... thank you so much!).

Somehow just now I saw ikatbag's giveway and went to check what it's all about (not much of a blogger, rarely check my blog. Funny, since the reason I started this blog was so that I could follow others and get updates easily, hehehehe)... Anyway, I was curious about the inseam pocket and there it was! A picture tutorial of how to make the inseam pocket...... I just can't believe my eyes! I'm so excited, it seems so easy.......... Thank you so much

Oh, and the reason for this blog is because I so want those pockets ikatbag is giving away.... My mind's wandering already all the things with pockets I'm going to explore in the very near future....... I hope this entry is a winner......

Oh, yeah... for those of you reading this, this is the pockets I really want to win....

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