Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hi ya there! nothing much for story tells... just wanna share the snapshot I took of my tudungs I made for hari raya... Was done in a haste after the kids (and their daddy) fell asleep last night - with those two, anything can happen... when u think they're sound asleep, suddenly they're there right in front of you requesting for a glass juice or some milk and sometimes, a cookie (yeah right, like I'm going to give cookies before bedtime for no particular reason!)...

That blue one I already wore it yesterday to work, can't help myself... I just gotta try one on...

Stay tuned folks, more to come...

Monday, September 6, 2010


I know I promised to update on the Baju Kurung, but it took me a while. Been busy sewing I kinda forgot to snap pictures... Anyway, this i what initially happened:

Let's move in a little closer...

And closer... See there? that's the worst part... There's more where that came from, just not as horrible as this one...

So, after some 'consultation' with a person who's been sewing waaaaaay longer than me, and who's much more better @ it too, this is the final outcome... U couldn't tell how bad I almost butchered it huh?

The front part...

The back part...

Not that bad, huh? And since I didn't have to re-do the whole thing, I managed to make my darling mysha a cute top....

A close up of the bow...

Yeah, I know it doesn't look much, but it's there. Gotta see her in it for yourself... All we need now is a skirt of a pair of leggings....