Why is it that though we say we are courteous, day by day I find that we are not what we say we are? Take the other day for example, The Man and I took the kids to Petrosains for an afternoon of fun science... Ok, so they don't know what the heck is science, we're trying to introduce to them slowly what is learning and wanting to know things and trigger their minds to think...
The Man and I are trying our best to teach our kids to share and to respect others among other things. One of the things we like about Petrosains is that they've got alot of interactive learning toys for visitors to try out. @ the Petrojaya section they've got are 2 bulldozers for kids to try have a feel of working @ a construction site. Being a typical weekend, there were a lot of visitors last Saturday, including a few groups from schools in and outside of KL. So, Ridzuan was told to wait in line for his turn. My son is 3.5 years old had to wait patiently for this woman by the looks of it might be in her 40s if not 50s playing with one of the bulldozers (mind you, I don't want to refer to her as a lady as she's obviously not one). The other one had this kid playing and taking turns with his siblings and then there were these other siblings also waiting in line.
Anyway, that woman just kept on playing and playing and playing... My God! I just wanted to shout in her face to just get herself a real one and play @ home... Next was this kid, by the looks of him I think he's either a really really really BIG 12 year old or an immature 14-15. His mom was there looking on, not saying anything when her son was on the thing, all the while a small 3.5year old kid just looked on patiently waiting for his turn. What got me angrier was the fact even though the machine stopped, he pressed the start button again and again... Finally we got a turn on the other machine beside it, even after Ridzuan was done playing that kid was still on it, no signs of stopping in the very near future.
So, who's to blame in this situation? The parent for not controlling the child, for not telling him it's not polite to hog something that is public property, for not teaching him to share, for not teaching him to be respectful of others, for not teaching him to take turns, for not controlling the kid... Or is it the child, for not wanting to share, for not being respectful of others, for not learning to take turns...
Ridzuan all the while looked on with a sad face on him waiting patiently... Poor child. as a mother who is trying my best to teach my children to share and be respectful and be polite, I only could tell him to be polite and wait for his turn. Thankfully Ridzuan didn not throw a fit for waiting too long. He knows it's not his toy, so he knows to wait and to share. And thankfully also Ridzuan obeyed us when we told him his time is up and it's others' turn right now...
Those people we encountered @ Petrosains are examples of how bogus we are when we say Malaysians are a courteous lot... The inconsiderate women ignoring children who are waiting in line, the inconsiderate boy ignoring a much much much smaller and younger boy and his mother who just looked on @ his son without saying a single word......
Petrosains was just an afternoon with only one senario... There are more -- on the road, in the elevator, in public transportation..... Heck, just to give another example. About 13 years ago, while I was still doing my undergrad, during one of the school breaks, I went to Penang with my aunty and her family. I was carrying my baby cousin in the train up to Penang Hill. The car was loaded with people, unfortunately for me, I didn't get a seat and had to stand. Of all the people in the coach, the only tourists who were NOT MALAYSIAN offered me their seat because I was holding a baby... Yes, my cousin was still a baby, a mere 6 months old baby... The other passengers who were the so-called courteous MALAYSIAN? They just looked or ignored me all together...
Others who have had the same experience, kindly raise your hand... I know there are those who would offer their seats, or help those in need but most of us have lost those values somewhere as our country continue to become a developed nation. Is this a price we have to pay to be a developed nation? I don't think so. For those out there, and I constantly remind myself the same thing day in day out. To lead by example, that is the best. Therefore, it is crucial to show good example in our daily lives to our children with the hopes that they get the message and make the right choices... But then again, with all the crime rates going up people are being too cautious to the point where they lost their courteousness altogether.... hmmmmm.....
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