While their mommy was busy working on Wednesday, they were out playing on the greens on campus. Mysha was terrified of the grass, her grandma even has video proof of it all, hahahaha... Poor kid, mommy and daddy to busy to take her to the park to fool around on the grass and nature. She is such a city girl. I'm beginning to think we should take the kids for some outdoor activities like camping... hmmmmmmm I wonder if they're ready for it?
Anyway, back to the story.... Their daddy drove up to Kedah with their other uncle on Saturday. While waiting for them to arrive, we (my mom, brother and I) took the kids on campus for an afternoon of fun... This time around Mysha wasn't terrified of the grass... The kids wanted to fly kite, even though there was no wind that afternoon. Their uncle had to pretend to the 'wind'. Now, that's a sight -- a scary one, hahaha...
Ridzuan was patting alright... If I were deer I'd go join back the rest of the group! hehehehe... No amount of leaves is worth that hard pat on the head..... Or maybe this guy was just too hungry, I wonder?... hmmmmmm
moreeeee pix pleaseee!~
salam mas,
aku singgah ´rumah´ko ni. Mekasih ye dtg ´melawat´ aku hari tu :)
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