East and West, North and South.... lately for the past month to be exact, work has taken me around Malaysia.... Soooooo tiring! My poor little Boy and Girl were left to fend for themselves, kinda, sort of... Daddy had to take care of them, kinda, sort of....
The first trip was to Labuan, 21-23 November... Luckily the grandma was there to the rescue... Grandma arrived later in the evening, the same day mommy left for Labuan.... Grandma stayed on for a little over a week.... 29-30 November was Lumut's turn, grandma went back to Kedah the very same same mommy came back from Lumut. So, technically daddy was not alone to take care of the kiddies...
4-7 December the whole Khairul Anuar 'clan' followed mommy to Langkawi. Mommy tried to squeeze in family time and work time. All our plans ran astray due to last minute changes, and we only managed to visit 2 places in Langkawi, The Giant Eagle near the Jetty the afternoon after mommy finished her work and Gunung Matchinchang the very next day before we left Langkawi... We were in line for an hour to catch the cable car up, but was only there for a mere 10 minutes and arrived @ the hotel just in time to check out.
Luckily mommy is good @ planning things, all those chocolate shopping was crammed after dinner (thankfully we managed to get a room @ the Bayview Langkawi @ the very last minute). Mommy had already packed everything before we left for the cable car station, so when we reached the hotel, we just needed to change the kids and grab the luggages... Though it was like the Amazing Race, we still had fun. What's important is that we had time together... Even if it was only to see 2 things out of the looooong list of things to see / visit in Langkawi....
Anyway, back to the here and there thingy... Daddy's true test of taking care of the kids all by himself came later on in the week, when mommy went to Kluang on the 9-10 December... My poor poor poor babies, daddy's still not quite ready yet to take care of you guys without any help from anybody..... Poor things.... Luckily this week it's in Kedah and Perlis, so mommy to the kids along and stayed @ grandma and grandpa's place....
The kids are having fun here, basking in the love and attention from grandma, grandpa and uncle chichik. Ridzuan is spoilt rotten more than ever.... Mommy is gritting her teeth right now. I think they are perfectly flat already and shiny, all that gritting and grinding... hehehehehe.....