But I'm in Red...
I'm so so so so so tired n sore all over. Did some shopping for the kids yesterday, Eid is just around the corner but I feel like there's still 1001 things that needs to be done... HELP!
I managed to accomplish some of the things on my Things To Do List over the weekend, sort of! Arrrrrgggghhhhh.... I should've took the day off today... Tomorrow is our Independence Day Anniversary, could've gotten away with a 4 day weekend if I took today off. But nooooo, I'm just too stingy on my annual leave. Well, I have to be, I need if for out upcoming trip.
Anyway, here's the scoop. I was supposed to do whatever I can with Mysha's almost ruined baju kurung after the kids were in bed Friday night. Unfortunately, the little missy wanted mommy's by her side and only wanted mommy's milk directly from the source ( U could say she was a tad cranky, but her crankiness is not like other kids, not like her brother even... She just rubs her eyes n nose and only wants mommy... Now, who wouldn't be if you woke up @ 4.30am and didn't go back to bed or nap AT ALL throughout the day? But I'll keep that for later, with pictures and all...)
Since mommy already had a loooooong and tiring day, mommy dozed off alongside Mysha and Ridzuan, only waking up @ 1245am but was too groggy to do anything else except remove my lens. There goes what could've been a night full of productivity down the drain.......... boohoohoo...
Come saturday morning I was fresh, so as early as 530am I was in our computer / sewing / arts and crafts room mending away... Guess what?! I managed to save the top! YEAY for me!... I wanted to include the pictures, unfortunately I can't right now these being the reasons:
1. My sister ate my camera... LOL... Seriously, my camera got kidnapped this morning by my 'darling' sister for 2 whole days, I won't see it again until Wednesday morning... Hey. get your own camera man! I haven't transferred the pictures yet.
2. Well, actually I haven't transferred the pictures of the baju kurung before I managed to mend it. The mended and completed baju kurung, I haven't really took the picture yet, hehehehehe...
3. I need to snap the finished product first one I get hold of my camera again...
Besides the baju kurung I also managed to sew:
a sampin for my son (which I need to re-do or somehow find a way to save it. I'm so good @ ruining things aren't I? It's a bit too tight for him...Sorry dear, mommy's trying her best),
a cheerleader skirt for Mysha... Back to the drawing board. Again, it was a wee bit tight to go around that diapered bum of hers... Once it got passed that, it was ok... She looks darn cute in it BTW, diapers and all.
a sleeveless prototype dress for Mysha which I traced the pattern from her party dress I got for her 1st birthday party last month... It needs some fine tuning here and there (my sewing skills being the most part of it), but I think I'm almost there...
a modified version of a peasant blouse... This peasant blouse I've gotten the hang of since I've made 2 already previously for her. This 3rd one however, I lengthen it and did some shirring around the waist...
Sunday was shopping for the kids and our monthly grocery shopping. Mysha again, only wanted mommy to carry her. Unfortunately for mommy, carrying Mysha in her carrier (who is already 10kg BTW) and lugging around a handbag does not jive well. Now I've got a really sore and bruised left shoulder. Not to mention all those other aching in all other parts of my body imaginable. Man, are kids clothes expensive! Good thing we've only got 2 right now...
That's all for now folks and see you real soon. Really? Why not make it Wednesday when I've got my camera back so we can publish some nice (sort of) pictures to go along with my posts (so it won't be that boring).
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Solok Lada

These things called solok lada might not look much, but they sure are yummy! Believe me. It's basically chili peppers (not just any kind, it has to be this special kind, over here they just call it 'cili solok', referring to the end product, fish, coconut, shallots, ginger, garlic, lemon grass, salt n sugar to taste and coconut milk. I've gotta do some research on the history of solok lada before I can tell you how this recipe came about and how the name was derived. One thing for sure, lada means chili peppers and solok, well we maybe because stuff the chili peppers? Maybe... Below are the steps required to make your very own mouth watering solok lada... BTW, being a traditional dish, there were no exact measurements in this recipe, we did it the old fashioned way -- by sight n by smell...
The ingredients...
The main players : the chili peppers. as u can see there, the one in the plastic bag (1/2kg) are the original players, were specially brought in from their native land, Kelantan while the pre-packed longer ones are from Cameron Highlands bought @ the local grocers (Jaya Jusco - RM2.50/pack).
Shallots (we used around 1 cereal bowl)
Ginger 2 1/2 - 3 adult thumbs size (depending on how big your thumbs are....)
2 whole Garlic, not 2 cloves... yes, it might sound a lot, but trust me, it's not.
5 sticks lemon grass
3 finely shredded coconuts minus 2 handfuls
2 handfuls shredded coconut - toast them a bit till they're brown and fragrant before pounding
fish - any type u want (We used around 17-20 palm sized mackerel) -- poached n deboned

First things first, wash the chili peppers and slit it all the way down. Don't cut it, u just want and opening for you to de-seed the peppers and stuff the fish in. De-seeding gives you more space for the filling and also reduce the spice-o-meter of the peppers.

The empty pepper cavity... U can also wash the insides to further de-seed the peppers (believe me, those seeds have a mind of their own and are kind of hard to get rid of.

The fish which has been poached, deboned and pounded... You could also use a food processor if you don't have a mortar and pestle. Alternatively, you could also use your fingers (make sure they're clean n be prepared for the soreness in the joints later on).
Combine the shallots, ginger, garlic and lemon grass and mix mix mix...

Next you add in the toasted and pounded coconut and mix some more...

Now, dump all those wonderful, full of flavor and aromatic spices into your fish and start mixing again.

This is roughly what it looks like... Well, it's not going to change much later on in appearance...

Add in the coconut...
Don't forget to add the salt and a pinch of sugar to taste...
Now we're all set to go go go...

Stuff the chili peppers as much as you can with the filling.

Arrange them nicely in a pot.

Add coconut milk.

You don't need alot. We used about a cup of coconut milk and some water. Cover and cook until the peppers are tender and the coconut milk should just simmer slightly, roughly around 10-15 minutes (maybe more, depending on how much coconut milk you use)...

Time to enjoy!
These things called solok lada might not look much, but they sure are yummy! Believe me. It's basically chili peppers (not just any kind, it has to be this special kind, over here they just call it 'cili solok', referring to the end product, fish, coconut, shallots, ginger, garlic, lemon grass, salt n sugar to taste and coconut milk. I've gotta do some research on the history of solok lada before I can tell you how this recipe came about and how the name was derived. One thing for sure, lada means chili peppers and solok, well we maybe because stuff the chili peppers? Maybe... Below are the steps required to make your very own mouth watering solok lada... BTW, being a traditional dish, there were no exact measurements in this recipe, we did it the old fashioned way -- by sight n by smell...
The main players : the chili peppers. as u can see there, the one in the plastic bag (1/2kg) are the original players, were specially brought in from their native land, Kelantan while the pre-packed longer ones are from Cameron Highlands bought @ the local grocers (Jaya Jusco - RM2.50/pack).
Shallots (we used around 1 cereal bowl)
Ginger 2 1/2 - 3 adult thumbs size (depending on how big your thumbs are....)
2 whole Garlic, not 2 cloves... yes, it might sound a lot, but trust me, it's not.
5 sticks lemon grass
3 finely shredded coconuts minus 2 handfuls
2 handfuls shredded coconut - toast them a bit till they're brown and fragrant before pounding
fish - any type u want (We used around 17-20 palm sized mackerel) -- poached n deboned
First things first, wash the chili peppers and slit it all the way down. Don't cut it, u just want and opening for you to de-seed the peppers and stuff the fish in. De-seeding gives you more space for the filling and also reduce the spice-o-meter of the peppers.
The empty pepper cavity... U can also wash the insides to further de-seed the peppers (believe me, those seeds have a mind of their own and are kind of hard to get rid of.
The fish which has been poached, deboned and pounded... You could also use a food processor if you don't have a mortar and pestle. Alternatively, you could also use your fingers (make sure they're clean n be prepared for the soreness in the joints later on).
Next you add in the toasted and pounded coconut and mix some more...
Now, dump all those wonderful, full of flavor and aromatic spices into your fish and start mixing again.
This is roughly what it looks like... Well, it's not going to change much later on in appearance...
Add in the coconut...
Now we're all set to go go go...
Stuff the chili peppers as much as you can with the filling.
Arrange them nicely in a pot.
Add coconut milk.
You don't need alot. We used about a cup of coconut milk and some water. Cover and cook until the peppers are tender and the coconut milk should just simmer slightly, roughly around 10-15 minutes (maybe more, depending on how much coconut milk you use)...
Time to enjoy!
Like the title says, OTT... I'm always enthusiastic when it comes to new things, I simply loooove new things, clothes, shoes, money (crisp new notes just smells sooooo good, money is still money, be it new bill or worn out ones, but those new ones just smells so much nicer!), things @ home... the only thing I don't want new in my life (EVER) are : my husband and kids (well, more kids yes, but I love the ones I've got just they way they are... so dearies, kindly don't grow up too fast, for mommy's sake, ok?).
Anyway, let's get back to the story... there's no story actually, I just want to explore uploading pictures (can I put them here and there or can I only put them in one spot per post.. how do you do it?)...
Since FOOD and EATING are among the things I love, I'm going to upload all the photos I took the other day @ Kota Bharu (which is not much actually...)
Post second photo upload... ok, it did not turn out as I thought it would... but I'm going to publish this anyway... It's part of my learning process, right? One day, one very fine day when I can proclaim myself as an expert @ this thing called blogging I'm going to look back @ this entry n say to myself : I've learned alot since then... (Who am I kidding?! LOL... but we'll see... I'm taking it as a personal challenge to myself)...
this is going to be something like with my darlings' photos.
No matter how so not nice the pictures turn out, I just can't seem to press that delete button on my camera. I'll transfer the photos, delete whatever photos that don't have THEIR faces in it but keep theirs, no matter how distorted they look in it, or how blurry their faces turned out (it's so hard to get my kids to hold their pose) I just can't... I want to be able to open my handbag, reach for my camera, turn it on with just a click and look @ their pretty places whenever I want to.
Want to give it another try? hmmmmm..... why not... Getting ready to upload the third picture... I think I'm going to try put it somewhere else.... We'll see if it works ok?
YEAY! Ok, I think I'm getting the hang of things here... LOL.... If you suddenly was forced to read this, bear with me..... *batting eyelashes* I think I'm going to move that second photo now...
Looks kinda nice, huh? I'm definitely going to update more photos in here... I sound pathetic don't I? Others have been doing this thing for ages, me? Only now, married with 2 children, do I want to try out this thing called BLOGGING... We'll see how far I'll go... hmmmmm, do you think I should put one of those tracker thingy so I can track how long I've been in this blogging scene? hmmmmm......
And I uploaded a photo to go along with this entry just for they sake of I want something nice in my blog too (and the fact I'm not going to tell anybody, and I mean anybody -- just browsing around, getting a feel of things and learning the ropes of blogging n how to insert pictures, movies, etc..... I didn't tell u that!)... Next on my list are : videos, water markings (I've done it before but the dull type where u just write things, nothing fancy what so ever). So, we'll see what happens...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Right Now...
What am I interested in these days? hmmmmm... let's see... I've got quite an extensive list actually, kind of ... In no particular order:
1. Breastfeeding. I've opted to nurse my second child for as long as I could, it's been a year, one month and 10 and still going on... I think she loves it too much, getting all the attention n me time with mommy... U could say that's our special moment together.
2. Sewing. Ever since I had my darling little girl I just want to sew this and that for her, particularly dresses... But so far I've only managed to do shirring, peasant blouses, and currently struggling to finish her baju kurung for Eid that's approaching in about 2 weeks time. Last year I made 2 pairs for her, with the help of my dear mother. I just did the easy part, all the complicated things I let her handle it, LOL. This year however I'm all on my own... It took me about 45 minutes just to get the both arms to the sides of the baju kurung also known as the 'pesak' and 'kekek'. Hey, give me break! I don't have any sewing background, never been to any formal sewing classes, and only the past year developed this interest in sewing. It's not just her stuff I'm interested in making, but mine also... BTW, hopefully one day I can do a tutorial of my own on how to sew a baju kurung or whatever. Anybody interested to follow the tute?
3. Cooking. What? Anything, particularly the things I like to eat. Anything I like, I'll learn how to make it, or @ least where to get it, LOL! I wouldn't mind forking out 300 for a cooking class that takes up roughly 2-3 hours of my time but would think twice to spend 300 on a piece of something that's not jewelery for me to wear. That's just me!
4. Why food? I don't know. I just looooove food and I looooove eating. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people who just eat and eat and eat but don't seem to gain a single pound. But still, I love my body, I've got all the curves I need in all the right places, ehem and a bit in the wrong places too! :-D
5. Kids. I've got my own and I just simply adore others as well. They're just too darn cute! And innocent and pure and lovable and darling little things... They are so full of life and everything that's good about life...
6. Traveling / Sightseeing. Haven't done much of it lately, but that doesn't mean none @ all. Pros and cons of traveling with small children : u get to spend quality family time together, creating fond memories with less money. However, your kids are not really going to remember that trip, that's why a handy-cam or a camera that can record clips or any device of sorts is a MUST. Whenever they're older and whine about never been anywhere, you've got the proof what a great time they had on that trip.
we'll just leave it @ 6 for now... Something came up that's demanding my attention, Pronto!
See ya!
1. Breastfeeding. I've opted to nurse my second child for as long as I could, it's been a year, one month and 10 and still going on... I think she loves it too much, getting all the attention n me time with mommy... U could say that's our special moment together.
2. Sewing. Ever since I had my darling little girl I just want to sew this and that for her, particularly dresses... But so far I've only managed to do shirring, peasant blouses, and currently struggling to finish her baju kurung for Eid that's approaching in about 2 weeks time. Last year I made 2 pairs for her, with the help of my dear mother. I just did the easy part, all the complicated things I let her handle it, LOL. This year however I'm all on my own... It took me about 45 minutes just to get the both arms to the sides of the baju kurung also known as the 'pesak' and 'kekek'. Hey, give me break! I don't have any sewing background, never been to any formal sewing classes, and only the past year developed this interest in sewing. It's not just her stuff I'm interested in making, but mine also... BTW, hopefully one day I can do a tutorial of my own on how to sew a baju kurung or whatever. Anybody interested to follow the tute?
3. Cooking. What? Anything, particularly the things I like to eat. Anything I like, I'll learn how to make it, or @ least where to get it, LOL! I wouldn't mind forking out 300 for a cooking class that takes up roughly 2-3 hours of my time but would think twice to spend 300 on a piece of something that's not jewelery for me to wear. That's just me!
4. Why food? I don't know. I just looooove food and I looooove eating. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people who just eat and eat and eat but don't seem to gain a single pound. But still, I love my body, I've got all the curves I need in all the right places, ehem and a bit in the wrong places too! :-D
5. Kids. I've got my own and I just simply adore others as well. They're just too darn cute! And innocent and pure and lovable and darling little things... They are so full of life and everything that's good about life...
6. Traveling / Sightseeing. Haven't done much of it lately, but that doesn't mean none @ all. Pros and cons of traveling with small children : u get to spend quality family time together, creating fond memories with less money. However, your kids are not really going to remember that trip, that's why a handy-cam or a camera that can record clips or any device of sorts is a MUST. Whenever they're older and whine about never been anywhere, you've got the proof what a great time they had on that trip.
we'll just leave it @ 6 for now... Something came up that's demanding my attention, Pronto!
See ya!
Oh My God! What should I write?! This is not my first attempt @ blogging, but it feels like it since the previous ones I don't know what happened to it... LOL
Actually this blog was set up a few months back but then somehow got abandoned until today. I've a bit of some time n started to Google for dress patterns with sleeves for my darling cheeky daughter when I stumbled upon www.ikatbag.com and her upcoming summer tutorials and an open invitation for those who want to follow. The rest as they say it is history (we'll see how long I maintain this thing...). To the owner of the blog 'ikat bag' take it as a compliment that I did something to this pathetic (hopefully it's change soon) little blog of mine.. I'm taking up that challenge n I'm so going to follow ur tutes all the way through. Guide me SIFU! And to other bloggers that I occasionally go to for guidance on how to sew this and that, and how to cook or bake or whatever... I'll follow ur blogs soon... Give me some time (time to learn how to navigate this thing called BLOG, sounds more like BLAAAAAH to me, hahahahaha....)
To my dearest friend pertmuffin of www.pertmuffin.blogspot.com, kindly be patient with me... You'll get tons of calls and emails (as if the current strings of emails are not enough) from me whenever I encounter something n need U to help me sort it out, hehehehehe.... I love u ibu!
Now, I'm wondering why in the world does my introduction sounds so much like that appreciation page on my book (huh? what book?)... Come to think of it, I don't think I'll have much trouble finding the words to write in here... Just finding the creativeness to make this little blog of mine pretty... I'll get my darling sisters to help me on that one, hehehehehehe....
I haven't quite decided yet what my focus will be for this blog, but I'm suspecting it'll be about EVERYTHING under the sun... Yup, I think that's it... I'll just dump whatever I feel like it in here. hehehehehe...
This blog is for me, my friends and those who just want to listen / read on my ramblings... For those who don't like what I write, who just feel like trashing what I write about, I suggest u move that pretty mouse of yours to the top right corner of your internet browser and click on that pretty little 'X' there with that mouse using your pretty little fingers...
I welcome comments from those who read my blog, but better make them nice ones... If u intend to do some b&t%h&n@ in here, kindly let yourself out.
Actually this blog was set up a few months back but then somehow got abandoned until today. I've a bit of some time n started to Google for dress patterns with sleeves for my darling cheeky daughter when I stumbled upon www.ikatbag.com and her upcoming summer tutorials and an open invitation for those who want to follow. The rest as they say it is history (we'll see how long I maintain this thing...). To the owner of the blog 'ikat bag' take it as a compliment that I did something to this pathetic (hopefully it's change soon) little blog of mine.. I'm taking up that challenge n I'm so going to follow ur tutes all the way through. Guide me SIFU! And to other bloggers that I occasionally go to for guidance on how to sew this and that, and how to cook or bake or whatever... I'll follow ur blogs soon... Give me some time (time to learn how to navigate this thing called BLOG, sounds more like BLAAAAAH to me, hahahahaha....)
To my dearest friend pertmuffin of www.pertmuffin.blogspot.com, kindly be patient with me... You'll get tons of calls and emails (as if the current strings of emails are not enough) from me whenever I encounter something n need U to help me sort it out, hehehehehe.... I love u ibu!
Now, I'm wondering why in the world does my introduction sounds so much like that appreciation page on my book (huh? what book?)... Come to think of it, I don't think I'll have much trouble finding the words to write in here... Just finding the creativeness to make this little blog of mine pretty... I'll get my darling sisters to help me on that one, hehehehehehe....
I haven't quite decided yet what my focus will be for this blog, but I'm suspecting it'll be about EVERYTHING under the sun... Yup, I think that's it... I'll just dump whatever I feel like it in here. hehehehehe...
This blog is for me, my friends and those who just want to listen / read on my ramblings... For those who don't like what I write, who just feel like trashing what I write about, I suggest u move that pretty mouse of yours to the top right corner of your internet browser and click on that pretty little 'X' there with that mouse using your pretty little fingers...
I welcome comments from those who read my blog, but better make them nice ones... If u intend to do some b&t%h&n@ in here, kindly let yourself out.
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